Saturday, October 3, 2009

Final Maps

For the final presentation this past wednesday, I created my first two maps to show the transitional space infront of the library. It goes from a broad, expansive, and open greenspace, then it transitions sectionally up to a space that is directional and orthagonal.

This first map is a series of 23 sections of the site that intersect, showing their spatial relationships to eachother

This is a view looking from the open greenspace to the heightened sectional space of the orthagonal grid.

This is a view looking flat on the map. This shows how the circulation interacts with surrounding complexities. The Solid white behind the lower area shows free motion in any direction. The linear white elements show a direction in which people would possibly travel, and the white grid represents the grid that exists of grass and pavement that is the actual definer of movement. They are scattered to show that some people will follow the grid, while others will ignore it and continue on their own journey.

Map 2 is an exploded axon showing the different layers of complexities and how they are all interrelated to one another by some sort of sequencing, massing, or directional quality.

This is the third map which I interpreted from my last project about the library. It represents how spaces flow throughout this area. It begins to capture things from the site directly, and begins to draw them in and toward the building. As these spaces move into the building, they get more intricate, move around alot more, and get more complex. Movement from the outside- free and clear, to the inside- complex and intricate.

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