Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Few New Study Models {Chance}

Here are a series of models I created to try some different ideas for the library.
-Celebrated entry
-Underground Circulation to existing Library

High-Rise Style
-Mirrored Balconies
-Circulation core

Series of folding plates
-Few vertical levels
-Folds represent motion over time
-Fluid spaces tied together by circulation

Similar to existing
-Respects existing facade
-Has crazy interior spaces
-Allows for possible views
-Programatic elements seperated from facade

Slanted Circulation
-Represents a stack of books about to fall
-Series of levels stacked oblique
-Allows for dynamic spaces
-Captures more sunlight
-Allows for open terraces to read

1 comment:

  1. i like the playing card models... very suggestive. baroque in their appearance. how do these explorations, tho, respond to the condition of the "library as..."? and to the formal reference to one of your maps?

    are these "houses of cards" you made exorcising your demons? ie. of you thinking of the library in a more traditional mode?
