Books, to me, are something very powerful. They hold so much information in them and each and every one of them holds potential for learning possibilities.
I remember when books were an everyday part of my life. As far back as I can remember, My mom and dad used to read me a book before bed time. Given- bed time was at like, 7pm, and the book was a mere 10 or so pages, it was still a way of connecting to an outside world. A world beyond my imagination. A world of creativity, dreamlike powers, and story lines that only the most brilliant minds can think of. These books sparked dreams that I encountered over my childhood that really influenced me to grow and learn into who I am today.
As school progressed and I got older and older, the books began to become more and more realistic. More life-like. More non-fiction. Books began to lose that creative outlet for me and soon I began to read books less and less.
As college life rolled around and books and books began to pile up on my shelves, I began to have an interest in these books again. Reading through all these architectural books inspired me, and reminded me of my childhood days.
They reminded me of Hello Moon, Dr. Seus, and the few other Disney books I had. They began to spark. The spark ignited some dry flint behind my eyes, and soon I had the desire again roaring inside me to learn from these books.
Books, to me, have the power to do anything to the reader. But the book itself is merely lifeless and nothing but a 'volumetric bundle of paper'. It needs the participation of someone to have interest in it, hold it, touch it, and gently touch each and every page individually and give each page the same love it deserves. It needs attention. And only the reader can give these needs to it. In return for the love and touch, the book gives knowledge, ideas, thought, self conversation, asks questions, inspires, and gives hope to the reader. The reader becomes one with the book. Its the books words, the books words, that are suddenly your words. Your words, being said inside your own head. You hear them, they are your words, following another idea. Its powerful. Beyond my explanation. Transcendent-